You are likely at the end of your rope dealing with the interruptions you’re migraines have caused to work obligations and your personal life.
Pain and lack of real lasting relief from these migraines and headaches have caused you to lose sleep and you’re feeling frustrated and hopeless. You are likely resorting to medications that have undesirable side effects. You might be making regular trips to the emergency room, desperate for some relief when those medications barely cut it.
Your doctor may have told you that you have to live with your migraines or “this is as good as it gets”.
Sound familiar?
That doesn’t mean there’s no treatment, it just means your doctor has run out of ideas or there aren’t conventional treatments available that are effective.
I often see patients who have ‘tried it all’ and have found lasting relief using Chinese Medicine and acupuncture.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are treatments that are tailored to the individual, and its important as your practitioner to take into account all of the important details specific to YOUR situation.
This approach can be effective for all manifestations of migraines and headaches:
- Chronic migraines
- Tension headaches
- Cluster headaches
- Hormonal headaches
- Post concussion syndrome
- Whiplash
- Occular migraines
- Stress headaches
- Eye strain headaches
- Headaches related to head injury
- Visual migraines
- Headaches and migraines during pregnancy
- Headaches from injuries
- Sinus headaches
Here are some resources on how acupuncture helps with migraine and headaches

Whether you are suffering from a serious health condition or working to maintain optimal health, we encourage you to visit us at our clinic.
Your first 15-minute consultation is always FREE!

How it works
Different people have different types of migraines or headaches, for different reasons. The framework used in this style of medicine allows for us to decipher and address the underlying patterns that contribute to your symptoms.
The main objective in with this approach using acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are to tailor treatment to the individual, and its important as your practitioner to take into account all of the important details specific to YOUR situation.
I often treat patients who have been told they just have to live with their pain and health problems, but that often is NOT the case! Sometimes a different perspective and approach is what is needed.
Most people experience significant, lasting relief in not only their headaches/migraines, but often because we take a whole body, whole person approach, most patients find many other areas of their health also improve.
What to Expect
One size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare. I welcome new patients to first come in and meet me for a Free, 15 minute consultation, where we can briefly discuss your particular issue and details regarding treatment process and planning.
Often people feel some benefit from treatment right away, but it takes some time and consistency to achieve lasting significant results. Following the treatment plan I give you is the most efficient way to reduce your dependency on medications and be rid of headaches and migraines for the long term.
For most people on average, treatment with acupuncture and herbal medicine takes 3-6 months.
I recommend most patients we expect to start to see changes after 4-6 weeks of Acupuncture. Initially more closely spaced together sessions 1-2x every week to 2 weeks, then gradually spacing treatments to every 3-6 weeks.
Expect to also combine regular acupuncture treatments with customized Herbal Formulas (these formulas will change as your symptoms change, to ensure we are getting at the root of your health issues, continually).
Your treatment plan may also include recommendations for other therapies as well and diet and lifestyle advice.
Following a FULL course of recommended treatment is what works in most cases, as the effects of treatment are cumulative.