How Acupuncture Can Help Relieve Arthritis Pain
More correctly known as osteoarthritis, arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people from middle age onward. This form of arthritis involves inflammation

Can Acupuncture Help Relieve Sciatica Pain?
The sciatic is a nerve found in the lower back. It is considered the largest nerve in the body, but it is actually made up

5 Reasons Why Acupuncture Can Help With Anxiety
Approximately 11.6% of the Canadian population, or more than 3 million people, have an anxiety disorder, according to the Government of Canada. Many of these

Things You Need to Know Before Using Acupuncture for Weight Loss
When it comes to losing weight, people will take any number of paths in an effort to shed a few pounds. From fad diets to

5 Ways Acupuncture Can Help With Migraines
The cause of migraine headaches still mystifies health care specialists around the world and the condition often goes undiagnosed. Even so, Migraine Canada reports that

7 Benefits of Acupuncture for Reducing Stress
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is an ancient type of treatment that is medicine-based. It uses small needles on specific points on the skin to treat

How Acupuncture Can Help With Neck Pain
Many are spending more time in front of their computer screens than ever before, leading to poor ergonomics and increased neck and back problems. Here’s

It’s All In Your Head: Headaches and TCM
There are four main types of headache: tension, cluster, sinus and migraine. And, there are varying triggers for these headaches, such as food, stress, hormones,

Acupuncture for Harnessing Willpower
Ever had one of those days or weeks where you just can’t pull yourself out of bed in the morning? Or perhaps you just can’t

TCM and Seasonal Affective Disorder
Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, is a form of depression that affects people all throughout the world. Most commonly experienced during fall and

Walnuts and Your Brain
Many people like to add walnuts to food to add some zest and a little crunchy kick, but walnuts are much more than a flavor

The Shen Mind Connection
Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at things differently and while it may be a little confusing, there is usually some common ground that can be found

Physical Aspects Related to The Lungs
In the world of Traditional Chinese medicine, the lung is probably the organ whose TCM functions overlap the most with its Western functions. Respiration, the

Mental and Emotional Aspects of the Lungs
As an acupuncturist, I am constantly assessing. Before my patients answer a single question, I am taking in cues as to what types of imbalances

Herbal Tonics to Reduce Stress
Stress is something that affects everybody. Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional tension or strain resulting from demanding or adverse circumstances.

Five Acupuncture Points for Indian Summer
Acupuncture is part of a medical system that dates back nearly 3,500 years. This medical system is known as Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. TCM

Healthy Eating According to Traditional Chinese Medicine
Do you consider yourself a healthy eater? Do you follow the guidelines set forth by the government for healthy eating? Or have you gone rogue?

Herbal Formulas for Summer
Summer. The word alone stirs up thoughts of campfires, flip flops, popsicles, swimming and long sunny days. However, for many people it also means sunburns,

Five Acupuncture Points for Summer
Summer is a season of abundant energy and light, long days, pool parties, ice cream and lemonade. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recognizes summer as the

Seven Ways Acupuncture Can Help Men’s Health
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been around for nearly 3,000 years. It combines nutrition, herbs, acupuncture and other modalities

TCM and Libido in Men
If your love life is lackluster, have you considered Traditional Chinese medicine to help a sagging libido? Acupuncture and herbal formulas may just be the

Why You Should Get Regular Acupuncture Treatments
Everybody knows you should see your family physician at least once a year and your dentist at least twice a year. But not everybody knows

Acupuncture and TCM for Sprains and Strains
We’ve all heard of and maybe even experienced a sprain or a strain. But do you really know the difference? A sprain is defined as

Herbal Tonics for Allergies
An allergy occurs when your immune system reacts to a foreign substance, called an allergen. This could be anything from something you inhale to something