How Acupuncture Can Help Relieve Arthritis Pain


More correctly known as osteoarthritis, arthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people from middle age onward. This form of arthritis involves inflammation of the joints, most commonly affecting the feet, hands, knees, back, and neck. All of these joints have cushions of articular cartilage keeping the bones from rubbing directly together. When osteoarthritis in particular is the problem, this cartilage weakens, breaks down, or thins. It leaves too much pressure on the bones in the joint, resulting in stiffness, pain, and difficulty using parts of the body. While there are many treatments for arthritis, acupuncture is one option many overlook.

What Causes Arthritis?

Arthritis is largely a condition of wear and tear for most people. Unlike rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, there is not a major immune system response behind the inflammation in the joints with this condition. Hard labor and high impact exercise are two known risk factors for developing this condition, especially as you age. Some people simply get arthritis as they get older no matter how much they take care of their joints. Being overweight or obese puts extra strain on the joints, making it another contributing factor. There is no blood test for arthritis, but other similar conditions like gout and rheumatoid arthritis are usually ruled out that way.

The Appeal of Alternative Treatments for Arthritis

Within mainstream medicine, the main two treatments for arthritis are pain killers and exercise. Yet not feeling good enough to exercise to reduce the stiffness and pain in joints can create a closed cycle of pain. The lack of movement increases pain, making it less likely you’ll want to exercise in the future. Even over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medications come with a wide range of serious side effects like stomach and liver damage. Prescription medications for arthritis can be addictive, mood-altering, or so sedating they make it hard to stick to your daily routine. More serious cases of the condition require surgery or injections.

It’s not surprising that many patients with arthritis search for alternatives to the standard treatments offered for this ailment. Avoiding unwanted side effects and finding new opportunities for pain relief can lead many to acupuncture. Acupuncture for arthritis is one of many potential treatments for the condition that can reduce inflammation and pain with minimal side effects. Since it’s a non-medicated treatment, it can be used safely in combination with medications or other procedures to increase the total amount of relief. Multiple studies have shown that acupuncture is a potentially useful treatment for arthritis in particular.

How Acupuncture is Often Used for Arthritis

Acupuncture is easily focused on specific parts of the body, making it ideal for something like arthritis. Since only a few joints tend to be affected on a patient, the treatments are tailored to the specific complaints of each person. Treatments can be provided at different intervals to provide both short-term and long-term potential relief. Safer than most medications, acupuncture for arthritis is a good option to try when other common arthritis treatments are ruled out by your doctors or just prove to be ineffective. Each person responds differently to acupuncture, so it’s important to try it for yourself to see if it’s a good fit or not for you.

Lifestyle Changes to Improve Arthritis Treatment Results

There are a number of lifestyle changes that can improve the results of any arthritis treatments you try, including acupuncture. First, losing weight not only reduces strain on the joints, but it can make exercise easier and more effective for improving your symptoms. You don’t need to lose much to feel better. Even 5 to 10 pounds can make a major difference in arthritis symptoms. Second, quit smoking or using tobacco products. Tobacco use is a known complicating factor that tends to worsen both pain and inflammation. Finally, choose lower impact exercises like water aerobics, walking, and using equipment designed to cushion your activities. Running may be great for your heart, but it can be hard on the joints even before you develop a condition like arthritis.

For acupuncture for arthritis in Kelowna, BC choose Sarah Jenkins, R.AC, R.TCMP. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment or to ask any questions you may have about the treatments we offer. In addition to traditional acupuncture, we also provide cupping and other Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments for many conditions.

Acupuncture Clinic Kelowna

Whether you are suffering from a serious health condition or working to maintain optimal health, we encourage you to visit us at our clinic.


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